Capstone Character


MB Capstone Number

MB Capstone Number shows your ability towards completing projects that you start. This number is calculated on the basis of principles of numerology. In addition to telling you your capstone number or capstone character, this capstone software also

Character count to count characters and get character frequency in text documents

Do you have a bunch of text files, but need to know how many characters are present in each? Perhaps you are doing some form of statistical research, or using it for keyword and search engine optimization? If so, then this software that counts character


Character Name Generator  v.1.003

Character Name Generator is a very useful program if you want to choose your names for your characters.

Character Board  v.1.0

Character Board is, as the name suggests, a simple, easy to use tool designed to display every ASCII characters containing in any font in keyboard layout and rest as list.

MechWarrior Character Generator  v.1 4

MechWarrior is a profession in the fictional universe of BattleTech, a wargaming and science fiction. MechWarrior Character Generator it is designed to created MechWarrior 2nd characters and has information from the MechWarrior Companion in it.

Microsoft Agent Character Editor  v.

MS Agent Character Editor provides more natural ways for people to communicate with their computers. Well-organized Agent's interface allows you to control the character's behavior.

NBOS Character Sheet Designer  v.1 1

The Character Sheet Designer is a WYSIWYG (what-you-see-is-what-you-get) character sheet layout program.

Parallax LCD Character Creator  v.1.0

Parallax LCD Character Creator is an easy-to-use program that enables you to create custom character code in seconds. The program makes it easy to create custom characters for your HD44780-compatible parallel LCD. Requires Internet Explorer 5.

LotRO Character Journal  v.

Using it you can view your character's up-to-date basic stats and equipped gear right on your desktop.The gadget has two states, docked and undocked.

Ultimate DCUO Character Planner  v.1.0.5

A new Ultimate DCUO Character Planner has appeared and he want to make sure everyone is aware about it!

Loto's Character Workshop  v.1.110.0

Loto's Character Workshop is a very useful tool created by experimental playground. Bard Balance Changes: Dreamweaver - This ability will now also grant the bard a reactive snare proc.

HXTT Character Set Converter  v.1.0

HXTT Character Set Converter is a free toolkit for text file.

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